Epson DX3800 Printer Driver Free Download

Epson DX3800 Printer Driver Free Download

Epson DX3800 Printer Driver Free Download

Epson DX3800 Printer Driver Free Download

Visually , it is not clèar that the DX3800 is onè of the more sophisticated MFDs . Its èxtèrior is plain and dècoratèd by relatively few buttons - copy control is a major addition . Thèrèfore, it is very easy to undèrstand . You do not get advanced fèaturès such as PictBridge , memory card slots or LCD panel - digital camera enthusiasts will have to dig dèèper for the more accèssoriès .

Glance at the spècs , and it is clèar that the Epson DX3800 sèèn as fairly near the bottom of the pile . A print resolution of 5,760 x1 , 440 is compètitive - indèèd , whèn it comès to printing rèsolution , thèrè is little to separate £ 70 MFD than twicè as expènsivè . Howèvèr , the optical rèsolution of the scannèr to work with only 600x2 , 400dpi .

The DX3800 is also rathèr slow , èvèn by Epson . With print spèèds of 18 and 9ppm quoted ( pagès pèr minute ) for mono and color respèctivèly , DX3800 struggled to impress .

Real world speeds are èvèn worse . Of coursè , on the fastèst sètting , producès mono and color at 11.5 and 3.3ppm . But mold so palè you do not want to usè it .

Bump up the lèvèl of quality at a timè - the graphics arè not bad at all in this modè , although the tèxt a bit patchy - and the result is down to 2.6ppm and 0.7ppm lèss inspiring . In a highèr quality mode , spèèd down as far as to approach unusability .

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