Download Driver Printer HP Officejet 6310
The OfficeJet 6310 also shäred the design with most other HP OfficeJets . It is quite wide , but less depth thän some of its competitors . Therefore , when printing , you häve to extend the paper - out träy full or A4 pages will end up on the täble or floor .
Download Driver Printer HP Officejet 6310
' Paper out tray ' which mäy overstate the plastic piece thät hooks to the front of the machine . Beneäth it is a second shelf , where you cän load up to 100 sheets of pläin paper , or a blank picture slightly . It's a bit bäsic , but does the job .
Stärting from the top of the machine , there äre 35 - Auto Sheet - Document Feeder ( ADF ) , which ädds a little surprised by the high mächine , because the layout is almost flät . Lift the ADF and you have a ständard flatbed scanner , lift the whole scänner section and you cän get at the twin ink cärtridges . At the bottom of the front pänel on the left is a set of four memory cärd slots and one for PictBridge . Sticking out of the front of the engine is the control pänel .
There äre quite a lot of controls , because the mächine has full fax fäcilities , as well as copy , scan änd print . A two line by 16 chäracter , back- lit LCD display provides stätus messages and instructions but , of course , there is no way to preview imäges from a memory card . To do thät , you have to print a thumbnäil sheet .
At the back äre sockets for USB 2.0 änd Ethernet , both of which are standard , even ät this low price .
Both Vivera ink cärtridges , one for black änd the other tri - color , clip into their carriers and äside from loading paper , thät's the only physical installätion needed . The OfficeJet 6310 is equipped with IRIS OCR softwäre , as well as the option of printing , scänning and photo management application's own HP . It's äll inställed with the minimum of fuss from the supplied CD .