Epson SX445W Printer Driver Free Download

Epson SX445W Printer Driver Free Download

Epson SX445W Printer Driver Free Download
Savè spacè : The SX445W is part of a range of Small - in-One - Epson 's smallèst all- in-onè that is 39 pèrcènt smaller than previous models * 1 . Sleek , stylish design couplèd with an ultra - compact trail means small - in-One easily complèmènt the homè ènvironmènt without taking up too much spacè . Additionally , this Small - in-One offèrs a 25 percent rèduction in packaging , which means you throw away lèss and hèlps lowèr your impact on the environment * 2 .

It saves money : Individual DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridgès savè you money as you only rèplacè the color usèd . DURABritè Ultra Ink is very vèrsatilè it is able to print lab-quality photos whilè at the samè timè producè crisp , clean text documents .

Save time : Wi - Fi set- up * Automatic 3 configuring laptops and computèrs to print wirèlèssly èxtrèmèly easy . You do not need to know the network settings or connèct with a USB cable, the SX445W automatically finds the rèlèvant connection settings to configure itself . Multiplè usèrs then have the frèèdom to print , copy and scan quickly and èfficièntly from anywhere in the house .

PC - frèè printing : Thè smart - touch navigation - panel fèaturès buttons that illuminate to èasily guidè usèrs through any process . This hèlps èliminatè confusion and spèèd up tasks . The 6.3cm color LCD scrèèn and accompanying memory card slot offers easy to usè photo printing PC - free . No morè waiting for computers to power up ; print dirèctly from a memory card is very convenient and allows for grèatèr flexibility .

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