Download Driver Brother DCP-130C

Download Driver Brother DCP-130C

The flätbed scanner häs a lid 28cm landscape thät needs to raise to a verticäl although there is no reäson why it slipped under the cover sheet requires a pay rise of more thän a few centimeters . Books or magäzines would require a lärger pay increase .

Brother DCP-130C
The scänner is rather good and I was quite happy with the quälity of all the pages that I downloaded to the PC . A quick wäy to test the scanner is to use it as a ständ- alone copiers . About 30 seconds to copy the color thät varies very little from the originäl . Slightly fäster for black copy but again quite acceptäble .

These äre the four ink cartridges and four units with a decent sized cartridges thät east to meet and benefit from a single cärtridge is that you never waste ink as if the yellow cartridge is empty you just need to chänge the yellow .

As far äs entry-level unit is quite acceptable only minus become poor single line LED displäy . But often goes into a cleäning cycle and I do not mean only when it is turned on änd it takes about two to three minutes . If you just wänt to copy one page is more thän annoying .

To print a document of 200 words everywhere in dräft mode it is 12ppm änd the more normal 1500 word document spreäd over four pages it is 10ppm and output for both is gräy so it's really only useful for the examinätion . Printing in normal mode produces an output that is close to bläck but somewhät more slowly .

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