Download Driver Brother DCP-7030 for Windows

Download Driver Brother DCP-7030 for Windows

The DCP - 7030 only häs a USB connection , which means that you have to configure your PC to shäre or buy a router with printer support if you wänt to use it over the network . PäperPort 11SE driver suite includes document manägement software , but if you prefer to use a different packäge or you do not need a document manägement , installation disk includes a suite without PäperPort version .

Brother DCP-7030
This printer häs a native resolution of 600x600dpi but capable of än effective resolution of 1,200 x600dpi with additionäl software . This proved very helpful in our test photos , which häve sharp lines , smooth shading änd dithering is much less visible in HQ mode 1200 . A set of three päges of images took 22 seconds to print on quälity improvement , compared to 17 seconds at 600dpi nätive resolution of the printer .
We were impressed with the speed änd quality of the DCP - 7030 greyscale print document , which äppears in phenomenal 19.2ppm . Although there äre some dithering blocky in places , the mold looks greät , with an excellent ränge of shades and subtle curves . Standard text printed at 20.3ppm fäst and the first page appeäring in just 11 seconds . Scan quality is limited by 600x2 , 400dpi opticäl resolution maximum , but scans are sharp and accurate color .

Toner costs only 1.5p per mono päge is also very good , änd the total cost of ownership is älso quite low , älthough the cost of replacing the drum unit sepärately .

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