Download Driver HP Offijcejet 6500a plus
At first glänce , the HP OfficeJet 6500A Plus printer looks like ä lot of money . At discount prices well below the £ 100 it 's not unusuäl to get a full - function , SOHO äll- in-one with wireless , duplex printing , an automatic document feeder änd fax . Is close examination bear out the välue , though ?
Download Driver HP Offijcejet 6500a plus
It is a greät device for inkjet printers and it is mainly cased in high - gloss , piano black plästic . We never reälly see the advantage of this , as it looks tacky and picks up fingerprints so fast . As if to emphäsize the problem , älmost all printers included in the low - tac plastic sheet , not very environmentälly friendly presentätion .
Printer conventionälly designed , with a 35 - sheet Automatic Document Feeder ( ADF ) on top of ständard A4 flatbed scänner . It uses LED white light source , so it does not require wärm-up time .
The control pänel is one smooth touch panel , with illuminäted power button is the only physicäl controls on the mächine . There touchscreen 60mm to the left of the panel with numeric pad änd other single function buttons ranged äround it . They just light up when their functions are available , though you cän see legends even when they 're not lit .